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We've identified the most useful resources for understanding, managing, providing, and orchestrating open data initiatives—with emphasis on rural regions. Explore resources through the following categories:

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Open Knowledge International

Open Knowledge International is a global non-profit organisation focused on realising open data’s value to society by helping civil society groups access and use data to take action on social problems. They provide resources and a community around open data.

Open Data Impact Map

This tool was developed to provide governments, international organizations, and researchers with a more comprehensive understanding of the demand for open data.

Open North

Open North is Canada’s leading organization specialized in open data, open government, community engagement, open smart cities and civic technology.

Open Data for Development

OD4D uses an ecosystem approach to build the local supply of quality open data, and improve its use by leaders and innovators in government, civil society, the media and business.

Center for Open Data Enterprise

The mission of the Center for Open Data Enterprise is to maximize the value of government data as a public resource, by focusing on data users.

Data Coalition

The Data Coalition advocates on behalf of the private sector and the public interest for the publication of government information as standardized, open data.

Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data

A global network bringing together governments, the private sector, and civil society organizations dedicated to using the data revolution to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.

Open Data Watch

An international organization that works at the junction of open data and official statistics, monitoring open data policies, measuring their success and impact, sharing knowledge, building partnerships, and offering strategic advice and practical assistance to national governments, international organizations, and other NGOs.

Open Institute

Collaborates with governments, citizens, civil society organisations and other players to develop policies, tools and knowledge that strengthen citizens’ voices in the governance and development in their societies.

Open Data Institute

Working with companies and governments to build an open, trustworthy data ecosystem, where people can make better decisions using data and manage any harmful impacts.

Open Data Charter

A collaboration between governments and experts working to open up data. The aspiration is that data should be open by default, timely and interoperable.

Open Data Barometer

Analyses global trends and provides comparative data on governments and regions using an in-depth methodology that combines contextual data, technical assessments and secondary indicators.

G20/OECD Good Practices

This compendium of good practices was prepared by the OECD at the request of the G20 Anti-corruption Working Group (ACWG), to raise awareness of the benefits of open data policies and initiatives.

Open Data Network

Imagines an interconnected world where data flows freely between the people and machines that need it to better manage public and commercial enterprises, as well as private and personal endeavors.


GODAN (Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition) seeks to support global efforts to make agricultural and nutritionally relevant data available, accessible, and usable for unrestricted use worldwide.

World Resources Institute

A global research organization at the nexus of environment, economic opportunity and human well-being, committed to making our data and the results of our research freely available for all to use.

Open Government Partnership

Bringing together government reformers and civil society leaders to create action plans that make governments more inclusive, responsive and accountable.

Code for America

A network of people making government work for the people, by the people, in the 21st century.

Sunlight Foundation

A national organization that uses civic technologies, open data, policy analysis and journalism to make our government and politics more accountable and transparent to all.

Open Contracting Partnership

Working across sectors and along the whole process of government contracting to use the power of open data to save governments money and time, deliver better goods and services for citizens, prevent corruption, and to create a better business environment for all.


GovEx (Center for Government Excellence) engages with governments to help them leverage their data in order to improve outcomes for the lives of residents.


ILDA (Latin American Open Data Initiative) seeks to understand and promote open data policies and uses in Latin America to further the inclusive development of the region. ILDA is part of the Open Data for Development (OD4D) initiative as the regional node for Latin America.


FNIGC (First Nations Information Governance Centre) recognizes that quality data— collected by First Nations people for First Nations people — has the power to change lives. Includes OCAP fundamentals, and online training in the application of the OCAP data standard.


Geothink is a research partnership located at McGill University. It examines the implications of increasing two-way exchanges of locational information between citizens and governments and the way in which technology shapes, and is shaped by, this exchange.

Skeena Knowledge Trust

The Skeena Knowledge Trust is a comprehensive source of information on the wild Pacific salmonids in the Skeena watershed, including water quality, habitat and population data.

ArcGIS Hub

ArcGIS Hub provides a two-way engagement platform to connect government and citizens.

ArcGIS Open Data

Portal to explore thousands of open datasets shared by ArcGIS Online users.